Monday, January 30, 2012

Trends spring 2012

I just made this simple guide to the most important trends for spring 2012. This way, you get an idea about what to focus on when creating your spring wardrobe.   

Fashion Trends 2012

The animal: Birds

The colors: Pastels

The item: Peplum

The details: Baroque flourishes  

The silhouette: Drop waist

The theme: Deep sea

The print: Digital imaging

The body part: Midsection

The Fabric: Matte Satin

The inspiration: Abstract art

Sunday, January 29, 2012

the birthday party

My little man is all grown up!
We had to sing him happy birthday three times because when the lights would go up he'd scream "again, again"!  And how do you say no to a little boy on his birthday?  We've totally been practicing our blowing out skills too!  

Are you impressed?  I made that cake.  Thank you hobby lobby cake decorating class!  Don't worry, it only took me like, ten hours.  Funny story actually.  This party was supposed to be two weeks ago.  I made all the cakes and that weekend we all got sick.  Party postponed.  Cakes in the freezer.  The next week, oh I had a baby.  Yeah.  The cakes had come out of the freezer to thaw and so back in they went!  I was worried this party wouldn't ever happen!  The decorations had been up for weeks!

Cute huh?!  Had to use the fringey streamers!  The banner, welcome to boston's birthday sign and cake topper came from the party pack over at Whistle While You Work.  Remember she did that super fun giveaway a few weeks back?  There were so many other things in the pack, I just never got around to using them.  SO CUTE though!

At the end of the night Boston went home with his grandma and uncles to Delta.  It was actually really sad!  I feel like I've been neglecting him the last few weeks.  With not seeing him while I was at the hospital to coming home and not being able to play with him.  He ALWAYS asks me for to put him down for bed.  Always... he likes to play with my hair :-)  He doesn't even ask though anymore.  He just says "night night mommy".  Makes me want to cry!  Hopefully things will get easier.  They HAVE to get easier!  Little Savy has colic so I'm going off dairy.  It's going to be so hard because two staples in my diet right now are ice cream and chocolate!

Thanks for being a part of my life you guys.  I love all your sweet comments and encouraging advice. I'm sorry I don't get the chance to write all of you back!


Friday, January 27, 2012


Little peanut hasn't been sleeping well.  She's fussy from about 12-4 am.  So this morning when she wouldn't eat because she was sooo tired from being sooo naughty the night before I had to capitalize on her exhaustion.  Out of the million pictures I took, one picture turned out.  Does that matter though when that one picture looks like this?

Does it not make you happy?!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Early 60s & Glamour

5th season of Mad Men is set to premiere March 25 2012. & I, for one, love Mad Men - Mostly because of the fashion and the glamour. The 1960s was a great decade when talking about fashion – I simply adore the styling and the dresses in the early 60s. Not to be confused with the late 60s… which is an entirely different story. Also,  I love the setting in NYC. It reminds me of a movie I love, called “Down With Love” starring RenĂ©e Zellweger. - Which is, let's face it... a total chick flick! 

Both “Mad Men” & “Down With Love” have this beautiful, naive and enchanted universe. If I could go back in time, I’d go back to the 60s. (& the 20s but that’s another story).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Savannah Jane Smith

Do you not love her?  I started contracting Thursday night.  By 6 the next morning we were at the hospital.  While I was changing into that fashionable gown my water broke.  Perfect timing I guess?!  A few hours later she was showing off her healthy lungs.

She was perfect


We were having issues figuring out her name.  I wasn't feeling Blake anymore... too many one syllable words... not beautiful enough.  We went through Chloe, Rylie, Shelby and landed on Savannah Jane Smith.  We've been calling her Blake for so long that we're having a hard time making it stick.  Boston keeps calling her Blake!  So who knows, we might be changing it back to Blake again in a few more weeks!

I am doing great and Boston is such a sweet older brother.  We love having a newborn in the home.  Those little sounds and painfully adorable stretches.  I am in love with her and so far have loved waking up in the middle of the night to cuddle her.  I cannot get enough of her- she is perfect.

My good friend Chelsey, from Chelsey Art Photography came to the hospital and took these amazing photos.  She was just a few days old.  If you live in Utah and have a baby on the way, a wedding in the works or in need of a family photo shoot, you should check out Chelsey's Photography.  She is absolutely amazing.


Cerita Lucu Tentang Abu Nawas

Cerita Lucu Tentang Abu Nawas.jpg
Kali ini kami coba kami berikan cerita yang mana ini merupakan Cerita Lucu Tentang Abu Nawas yang pastinya cerita ini bisa bikin anda terhibur dan tentu seru untuk di simak. Nah.. Sebelumnya kami juga telah menyediakan untuk anda mengenai Puisi Lucu Gokil, Mungkin bisa anda jadikan sebagai cara untuk mengungkapkan isi hati lewat lantunan kata-kata yang lucu. Pastinya sangat seru sekali karena ini sangat kocak bisa bikin perut terkocok atau mungkin bisa anda jadikan koleksi Kumpulan Puisi Lucu terbaru anda.

Mungkin anda juga kali ini ingin menyimak cerita yang bukan hanya lucu akan tetapi ada romantisnya. Bisa anda menyimaknya pada Cerita Lucu Romantis yang juga kami sediakan sebelumnya, Ini merupakan kisah Romantis akan tetapi bisa anda ngakak. Pastinya anda akan penasaran jika anda lewatkan untuk menyimak Cerita Lucu Romantis Terbaru yang kami miliki ini. Untuk Cerita Lucu Tenatang Abu Nawas bisa anda simak dibawah ini.

Cerita Lucu Abu Nawas

Cerita Lucu Abu Nawas - Siapa yang tidak tauk dengan Abu Nawas?? beliau salah seorang tokoh yang sangat cerdik dan jahil. berikut ini beberapa kisah dan Cerita Lucu Abu Nawas yang mungkin bisa membuat anda ngakak. kalau anda normal sih.. kalau tidak ngakak silahkan ada periksa ke dokter terdekat mungkin anda ada kelainan jiwa.

Cerita Lucu Abu Nawas Masuk Penjara.

Abu Nawas masih mengeram di penjara. Namun begitu Abu Nawas masih bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan memakai tangan orang lain. Baginda berpikir. Sejenak kemudian beliau segera memerintahkan sipir penjara untuk membebaskan Abu Nawas. Baginda Raja tidak ingin menanggung resiko yang lebih buruk. Karena akal Abu Nawas tidak bisa ditebak. Bahkan di dalam penjara pun Abu Nawas masih sanggup menyusahkan orang.

Keputusan yang dibuat Baginda Raja untuk melepaskan Abu Nawas memang sangat tepat. Karena bila sampai Abu Nawas bertambah sakit hati maka tidak mustahil kesusahan yang akan ditimbulkan akan semakin gawat. Kini hidung Abu Nawas sudah bisa menghirup udara kebebasan di luar. Istri Abu Nawas menyambut gembira kedatangan suami yang selama ini sangat dirindukan. Abu Nawas juga riang. Apalagi melihat tanaman kentangnya akan membuahkan hasil yang bisa dipetik dalam waktu dekat.

Abu Nawas memang girang bukan kepalang tetapi ia juga merasa gundah. Bagaimana Abu Nawas tidak merasa gundah gulana sebab Baginda sudah tidak lagi memakai perangkap untuk memenjarakan dirinya. Tetapi Baginda Raja langsung memenjarakannya. Maka tidak mustahil bila suatu ketika nanti Baginda langsung menjatuhkan hukuman pancung. Abu Nawas yakin bahwa saat ini Baginda pasti sedang merencanakan sesuatu. Abu Nawas menyiapkan payung untuk menyambut hujan yang akan diciptakan Baginda Raja.

Pada hari itu Abu Nawas mengumumkan dirinya sebagai ahli nujum atau tukang ramal nasib. Sejak membuka praktek ramal-meramal nasib, Abu Nawas sering mendapat panggilan dari orang-orang terkenal. Kini Abu Nawas tidak saja dikenal sebagai orang yang handal dalam menciptakan gelak tawa tetapi juga sebagai ahli ramal yang jitu.

Mendengar Abu Nawas mendadak menjadi ahli ramal maka Baginda Raja Harun Al Rasyid merasa khawatir. Baginda curiga jangan-jangan Abu Nawas bisa membahayakan kerajaan. Maka tanpa pikir panjang Abu Nawas ditangkap. Abu Nawas sejak semula yakin Baginda Raja kali ini bemiat akan menghabisi riwayatnya. Tetapi Abu Nawas tidak begitu merasa gentar. Mungkin Abu Nawas sudah mempersiapkan tameng. Setelah beberapa hari meringkuk di dalam penjara, Abu Nawas digiring menuju tempat kematian.

Tukang penggal kepala sudah menunggu dengan pedang yang baru diasah. Abu Nawas menghampiri tempat penjagalan dengan amat tenang. Baginda merasa kagum terhadap ketegaran Abu Nawas. Tetapi Baginda juga bertanya-tanya dalam hati mengapa Abu Nawas begitu tabah menghadapi detik-detik terakhir hidupnya. Ketika algojo sudah siap mengayunkan pedang, Abu Nawas tertawa-tawa sehingga Baginda menangguhkan pemancungan.

Beliau bertanya, “Hai Abu Nawas, apakah engkau tidak merasa ngeri menghadapi pedang algojo?”
“Ngeri Tuanku yang mulia, tetapi hamba juga merasa gembira.” jawab Abu Nawas sambil tersenyum.
“Engkau merasa gembira?” tanya Baginda kaget.
“Betul Baginda yang mulia, karena tepat tiga hari setelah kematian hamba, maka Baginda pun akan mangkat menyusul hamba ke liang lahat, karena hamba tidak bersalah sedikit pun.” kata Abu Nawas tetap tenang. Baginda gemetar mendengar ucapan Abu Nawas. dan tentu saja hukuman pancung dibatalkan.

Abu Nawas digiring kembali ke penjara. Baginda memerintahkan agar Abu Nawas diperlakukan istimewa. Malah Baginda memerintahkan supaya Abu Nawas disuguhi hidangan yang enak-enak. Tetapi Abu Nawas tetap tidak kerasa tinggal di penjara. Abu Nawas berpesan dan setengah mengancam kepada penjaga penjara bahwa bila ia terus-menerus mendekam dalam penjara ia bisa jatuh sakit atau meninggal Baginda Raja terpaksa membebaskan Abu Nawas setelah mendengar penuturan penjaga penjara.
Cerita Lucu Abu Nawas - Membantu Orang Membayar Hutang

“Saudaraku,” kata Nasrudin kepada seorang tetangga, “aku sedang mengumpulkan uang untuk membayar utang seorang laki-laki yang amat miskin, yang tidak mampu memenuhi tanggung jawabnya.”
“Sikap yang amat terpuji,” komentar tetangga itu, dan kemudian memberinya sekeping uang.
“Siapakah orang itu?”
“Aku,” kata Nasrudin sambil bergegas pergi. Beberapa minggu kemudian Nasrudin muncul lagi di depan pintu tetangganya itu. “Kupikir, kau mau membicarakan soal utang,” kata sang tetangga yang sekarang tampak sinis.
“Betul demikian.”
“Ada seseorang yang tidak bisa membayar utangnya dan engkau mengumpulkan sumbangan untuknya?”
“Ya. Memang demikian adanya.”
“Lalu engkau sendiri yang meminjam uang itu?”
“Tidak untuk saat ini.”
“Aku senang mendengarnya. Ini ambillah sumbangan ini.”
“Terima kasih…”
“Satu hal, Nasrudin. Apa yang membuatmu begitu bersikap manusiawi terhadap masalah yang khusus ini?”
“Oh, rupanya kamu tahu… akulah yang memberi pinjaman.”

Monday, January 23, 2012

How to depot MAC makeup

Alright ladies.  I don't know how many of you use MAC makeup.  And for those that do, I don't know how many know there are these awesome customizable palettes you can buy.  This is a recent discovery for me.  I figured there have got to be a few of you who will find this tutorial useful!

I have a good chunk of MAC eyeshadows

Every morning I rummage around my makeup bag looking for the colors I need.  Such a waste of time.  Let me introduce you to the pro palette- your new best friend

You can buy palette refills that come ready to insert in the palette, they are $11.50, as opposed to $15 for a regular eyeshadow

Awesome right?!  Well what are you supposed to do with all your eyeshadows that are still in the eyeshadow pot?

You depot them!  

Here's how you depot your MAC eyeshadows to fit into the pro palette

 STEP 1:
If you open up your eyeshadow, you will see a tiny mark in the front where your eye shadow can come out of the container.  Insert your knife there and slowly turn to release the cartridge (for lack of better word)
 This is what you should get

Turn on your flat iron, get a square of tin foil out and place your cartridge on top.  Your objective here is to melt the glue that's keeping that little metal pan stuck inside the cartridge.  I left it on a good 30 seconds.  If it doesn't easily pop out with a pin (next step) heat it up again

See that little divot in the middle?  Poke a pin through it and the tin should release

Get some goo gone, or rubbing alcohol and rub off the glue from the metal pan

Take a slim magnet (you can buy at any craft store) and adhere double sided tape to one side
I used my scrapbooking tape
Tape it onto the back of your clean pan

Now you have all your eyeshadows in one convenient location!

1. Why do you need to put a magnet on the back of your pan?
The palette's are magnetized- that's how they hold the metal pans in place.  This method also makes them refillable!

2. I need to be able to remember the color of my eyeshadow, any suggestions?
You can easily rip the label off the back of your eye shadow and stick it on top of the magnet.  I was going to do this but my labels were so dirty and worn you couldn't even see what the shade was anymore!

3. I can't get the metal pan to pop out... what should I do?
You need more heat.  The plastic should be hot enough that it melts the glue that's holding the metal pan in place.  I actually melted the plastic a tiny bit on my first one and it was just fine.  It's got to be hot enough or the pan won't come out. 

4.  If I add my eyeshadow label to the back, do I need to clean off the glue?
No.  Leave the glue on your metal pan, adhere your magnet and let the glue on the metal pan help hold your label onto the back!

Good luck ladies.  Let me know if you have any questions!  Hopefully this tutorial was useful to some!
