Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas Punk Haircuts Pictures Of punk Hairstyles

This is the fun part of getting a perfect Christmas party hairstyle for the punk look. The punk personality is not afraid to go bold when it comes to color. Often you will see the aforementioned hair cuts with added pinks, greens, blues, and purples in their brightest neon colors. For Christmas try going with green, red, silver, gold or a combination of them. You can find these hair colors in your local health and beauty shop. Check for the non-permanent colors if you are just trying out a look for the first time. For those who do not which to use any sort of hair dye you may wish to check the after Halloween sales to find discounted hair dye sprays. These are easily washed out of the hair and come in a variety of colors.

If you are not into the punk style or are just playing around with the idea for the Christmas party try not to go overboard. Silver or gold highlights framing your face may just be the added look you should go for. For braver souls go wild with color and do it in a solid color like silver or gold or if you have a Mohawk do each section in red and green. Silver and gold also looks awesome on a Mohawk when done in sections. Remember to use lots of gel and spray to get your hair tall and steady. Another great Christmas party hair style with the punk look to it is to take the hair and braid it into lots of little braids, then take your favorite holiday colors and paint each braid that color. Add small bells to the ends of your hair. This is a very unique punk look that is perfect if you want to stand out at the Christmas holiday party.