Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wang Wang Wang!

Oh God! 
One of my favourite fashion darlings, Alexander Wang, has been sued by some of his former employees. He is being accused of forcing his employees to work inhumane hours – and therefore violate state laws in connection with labour. The amount he is being sued for is 450 million dollars, which is 2, 5 billion DKK.  

Some Medias call it a sweat shop. An accusation like this can really hurt the brand “Alexander Wang”. It is a really bad reputation to have for a business these days. There is a lot of focus on social and environmental responsibility right now – and the fashion industry is undergoing a lot of changes.
The consumer also has bigger expectations to the designers in connection with responsibility.

I sincerely hope that it turns out to be a mistake. Because, when all comes to all… bad working conditions are unforgivable. No design is worth exploiting other people.

Sorry, Wang.

I’m holding my fingers crossed!