Tuesday, April 10, 2012

F L O W E R S & A R T

D E S I G N & F L O W E R S 

Do you know the feeling of walking into a room - met by the sight of beautiful flowers that make you all fuzzy and warm inside? A scent that reminds you of a lost childhood memory?
That’s how I feel when I see a truly breathtaking floral installation. It doesn’t happen that often, but when it does – it’s an amazing experience. Flowers are like a drug to me.

Then I thought – how inspiring would it be to connect the two elements design & flowers. And is that even possible to do on a daily basis?
I got the answer to my own question yesterday. I watched a show called “Flowers Uncut” with a guy called Jeff Leatham. He is what I would consider one of the most talented artists in contemporary art. Though some might disagree. What makes him so special is that he connects design and flowers – and makes it into art in its most delicate form.
His floral installations are made for events and special clients. It’s fascinating because the kind of art he makes can’t last forever. At some point it will die – like all good things.
I know that pictures can never capture that feeling of seeing and smelling – but I’ve collected some pictures of Jeff Leatham’s work. 